Sunday, February 18, 2018


I'm here, but isn't life just so busy!?! Especially in January, and most of our Birthdays bunch up together through from the middle of January up until now! But with school back and life normalising again- I'm slowly, slowly trying to get all my dolls up and listed on Etsy. These are some of the photos.

The doll making, I love, but the photographing and organising, I do not! :( It really takes so much effort and focus and I tend to get disillusioned half way through... But I'm doing my best to stick at it- I will update when I'm almost done.

Wish me luck!

And there are a couple of small old school softies that I listed a little while back, waiting around for a home- $40 including postage.



I'm here, but isn't life just so busy!?! Especially in January, and most of our Birthdays bunch up together thr...